HTTP_USER_AGENT見ればわかるからとりあえずYahoo! SlurpとGooglebotはノーカウントに。
/lib/counter/ にcount.dat、lock.dat、counter.phpを配置。 /lib/images/counter/ に0.gif~9.gif、today.gif、yesterday.gifを配置。 /lib/tpl/arctic/footer.html に呼出しコード追加。
- /lib/counter/counter.php
<?php function site_counter() { global $INFO; // 同一IPはカウントしない(yes=1 no=0) $ipcheck = 1; // 重複カウントしないIP保存個数 $ipcheck_max = 5; // カウント用GIF画像ディレクトリ $total_counter_path = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/counter/'; $today_counter_path = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/counter/'; $yes_counter_path = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/counter/'; $today_img_path = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/counter/today.gif'; $yes_img_path = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/counter/yesterday.gif'; // カウンタ記録ファイル $count_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/count.dat'; $lock_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/lock.dat'; // カウント数の桁・昨日・今日・合計 $fig1 = 3; $fig2 = 3; $fig3 = 6; //--------------設定ここまで---------------- // ロック $fp_lock = fopen($lock_file, "r"); flock($fp_lock, LOCK_EX); $today_date = date("Ymd"); $yes_date = date("Ymd", time() - 24*60*60); $count_buf = file($count_file); if ($count_buf == false) echo 'file error '.$count_file; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // 変数を展開 list($count_date, $yes_count, $today_count, $total_count, $ip_buf) = explode("|", $count_buf[0]); $ip_list = explode(",", $ip_buf); if (count($ip_list) == 0) $ip_list = array(); $update = false; $ip_count = true; // IPの重複チェック if ($ipcheck && $count_date == $today_date) { $ipn = 0; foreach ($ip_list as $ip_old) { $ip_old_ip = explode("#", $ip_old); if ($ip == $ip_old_ip[0]) { $ip_count = false; // IPが末尾(最新アクセス)でなければ末尾に if ($ipn < count($ip_list)-1) { unset($ip_list[$ipn]); $ip_list[] = $ip_old; $update = true; } break; } $ipn += 1; } } // adminでログインされてたらならカウントしない if ($INFO['isadmin']) { $update = false; $ip_count = false; } // カウント if ($ip_count) { // crawler弾き $crawler = false; $ip_host = gethostbyaddr($ip); $ip_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($ip_agent, "Yahoo! Slurp") != false) $crawler = true; if (strpos($ip_agent, "Googlebot") != false) $crawler = true; // if (!$crawler) { if ($count_date == $today_date) { $today_count++; } else { $yes_count = ($count_date == $yes_date) ? $today_count : 0; $today_count = 1; unset($ip_list); $ip_list = array(); } $update = true; $total_count++; $ip_list[] = $ip; if (count($ip_list) > $ipcheck_max) array_shift($ip_list); } } // カウントファイル更新 if ($update) { $ip_buf = implode(",", array_values($ip_list)); $buf = implode("|", array($today_date, $yes_count, $today_count, $total_count, $ip_buf)); $fp = fopen($count_file, "w"); fputs($fp, $buf); fclose($fp); } // ロック解除 fclose($fp_lock); // 桁数整形 $yes_count_str = sprintf("%0".$fig1."d", $yes_count); $today_count_str = sprintf("%0".$fig2."d", $today_count); $total_count_str = sprintf("%0".$fig3."d", $total_count); $title = "Total:{$total_count_str} Today:{$today_count_str} Yesterday:{$yes_count_str}"; // タグを取得 $yes_count_str = outhtml($yes_count_str, $yes_counter_path); $today_count_str = outhtml($today_count_str, $today_counter_path); $total_count_str = outhtml($total_count_str, $total_counter_path); $size = getimagesize($today_img_path); $today_img = " <img src=\"{$today_img_path}\" alt=\"today\" {$size[3]}>"; $size = getimagesize($yes_img_path); $yes_img = " <img src=\"{$yes_img_path}\" alt=\"yesterday\" {$size[3]}>"; echo '<a title="'.$title.'">'.$total_count_str . $today_img . $today_count_str . $yes_img . $yes_count_str.'</a>'; } // カウント数とパスを与えて、IMGタグを返す function outhtml($f_cnt,$c_path) { $size = getimagesize($c_path. "0.gif"); // 0.gifからwidthとheight取得 for($i = 0; $i < strlen($f_cnt); $i++) { // 桁数分だけループ $n = substr($f_cnt, $i, 1); // 左から一桁ずつ取得 $i_tag .= "<img src=\"{$c_path}{$n}.gif\" alt=\"{$n}\" {$size[3]}>"; } return $i_tag; } ?>
- /lib/tpl/arctic/footer.html
<?php /** * Example footer include * * This file shows you how to use the include hooks. However I recommend to * create your own complete new template instead. */ require_once(DOKU_INC.'lib/counter/counter.php'); ?> <div align="center" class="footerinc"> <?php site_counter()?> <?php tpl_license('button', true)?> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.chimeric.de" title="www.chimeric.de"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_TPL?>images/button-chimeric-de.png" width="80" height="15" alt="www.chimeric.de" border="0" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer" title="Valid CSS"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_TPL?>images/button-css.png" width="80" height="15" alt="Valid CSS" border="0" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:dokuwiki" title="Driven by DokuWiki"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_TPL?>images/button-dw.png" width="80" height="15" alt="Driven by DokuWiki" border="0" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.firefox-browser.de" title="do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_TPL?>images/button-firefox.png" width="80" height="15" alt="do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!!" border="0" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo DOKU_BASE?>feed.php" title="Recent changes RSS feed"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_TPL?>images/button-rss.png" width="80" height="15" alt="Recent changes RSS feed" border="0" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer" title="Valid XHTML 1.0"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_TPL?>images/button-xhtml.png" width="80" height="15" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" border="0" /></a> </div>