Ricewind RC1以降で inc/lang/ja/edit.txt からコピーして変更。
-編集して''保存''をクリックしてください。Wikiの構文については [[wiki:syntax]] を参考にしてください +編集して''保存''をクリックしてください。Wikiの構文については [[doku>ja:syntax]] を参考にしてください
- lib/images/fileicons/zip.png を download.png に変更。
- lib/tpl/arctic/images/favicon.ico を書き換え。
- lib/tpl/arctic/footer.html にアクセスカウンター呼出しコードを追加。
- lib/tpl/arctic/main.php にmy-sv.net用バーナー位置設定と最上部のカレントページ名を非表示。
- lib/tpl/arctic/main.php
<div class="header"> - <div class="pagename"> - [[<?php tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=backlink'),tpl_pagetitle($ID,true))?>]] - </div> <div class="logo"> <?php tpl_link(wl(),$conf['title'],'name="dokuwiki__top" accesskey="h" title="[ALT+H]"')?> </div> + <!-- add my-sv banner --> + <!--nobanner--> + <div style="float: right;"> + <!--mysv_banner--> + </div> + <!-- add my-sv banner end --> </div>
- lib/tpl/arctic/sidebars/cloud/sidebar.php 追加。
元ネタ:template:arctic#cloud_plugin まんま
- lib/tpl/arctic/sidebars/cloud/sidebar.php
<?php print p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions('~~TAGCLOUD~~'),$info); ?>
- lib/tpl/arctic/sidebars/sitetoc/sidebar.php 追加。
元ネタ:template:arctic#site_toc を改造
- lib/tpl/arctic/sidebars/sitetoc/sidebar.php
<?php /** * Table of content-function that will * create a hierarchical TOC for the site (by namespace) * and highlight the current page * The startpage if it exists, will always * be shown first in the menu */ function tpl_processStartPage($ns,$context) { // Check if a start page exists and add it first global $conf; $pageExists = false; $startPageName = $conf['start']; if ($ns == "") { $startPageID = $startPageName; } else { $startPageID = $ns . ":" . $startPageName; } $startPagePath = $startPageID; resolve_pageid($ns, $startPagePath,$pageExists); if ($pageExists) { // Check if page is visible $perm = auth_quickaclcheck($startPageID); if ($ns) $perm = -1; // namespace:startは表示させない(ルートのstartは表示) if($perm > 0){ // Determine Page Title from first heading $firstHeading = p_get_first_heading($startPageID); if($conf['useheading'] && !empty($firstHeading)){ $linkName = $firstHeading; }else{ $linkName = $startPageName; } // echo "<b>" . $conf['useheading'] ."</b>"; tpl_pageLinkCreate($startPageID, $linkName, "tpl_processStartPage:$context"); } } } function tpl_pageLinkCreate($fileToLinkID, $linkName, $calledFrom) { global $ID; echo "<li class=\"file\">"; if($fileToLinkID == $ID){ // highlight current page echo "<strong class=\"currentPage\">"; } if($_REQUEST["do"] == "admin" && $_REQUEST["page"] == "acl"){ $path = wl($fileToLinkID, "do=admin&page=acl"); }else{ $path = wl($fileToLinkID); } // echo "<em>$fileToLinkID, $linkName, $calledFrom</em>"; tpl_link($path,$linkName); if($fileToLinkID == $ID){ // current page echo "</strong>"; } } function tpl_list_folder($dataList, $findAndProcessStartpage){ global $conf; global $ID; global $INFO; require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/auth.php'); $currentLevel = 1; $pathinfo = pathinfo($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $url = $pathinfo['dirname']; echo "<ul class=\"explorer\">\n"; tpl_processStartPage("","tof"); for($i=0; $i<count($dataList); $i++){ // Check if page is visible if($dataList[$i]["type"] == "d"){ $perm = auth_quickaclcheck($dataList[$i]["id"].":*"); }else{ $perm = auth_quickaclcheck($dataList[$i]["id"]); //$perm = -1;//ファイルを表示させないならコメントを外す } // process only visible pages if($perm > 0){ // don't show start page in normal order if (noNS($dataList[$i]["id"]) != $conf['start']) { // FIXME not sure if this is actually needed // Could we not use noNS($dataList[$i]["id"]) instead??? $pageFileName = explode(":", $dataList[$i]["id"]); $pageFileName = $pageFileName[count($pageFileName) - 1]; $pageFileName = str_replace("_", " ", $pageFileName); // Determine Page Title from first heading // ディレクトリの表示名はnamespace:page:startから取得させる $linkid = $dataList[$i]["id"]; if($dataList[$i]["type"] == "d") $linkid .= ':'. $conf['start']; $firstHeading = p_get_first_heading($linkid); if($conf['useheading'] && !empty($firstHeading)){ $linkName = $firstHeading; }else{ $linkName = $pageFileName; } // Adjust the level. If level of page is higher than current level // close list-item and list // FIXME: Why is this needed when the same happens down below? if($currentLevel > $dataList[$i]["level"]){ echo str_repeat("</ul></li>\n", $currentLevel - $dataList[$i]["level"]); $currentLevel = $dataList[$i]["level"]; } // if entry is a folder if($dataList[$i]["type"] == "d"){ if($dataList[$i]["open"]){ echo "<li class=\"open\">"; }else{ echo "<li class=\"closed\">"; } if($_REQUEST["do"] == "admin" && $_REQUEST["page"] == "acl"){ $path = wl($dataList[$i]["id"].":".$conf['start'], "do=admin&page=acl"); }else{ $path = wl($dataList[$i]["id"].":".$conf['start']); } // 現在位置がnamespace:page:startならnamespace:pageを強調表示 $dirstrong = false; if ($ID == $dataList[$i]["id"].":".$conf['start']) $dirstrong = true; if ($dirstrong) echo "<strong class=\"currentPage\">"; tpl_link($path,$linkName); if ($dirstrong) echo "</strong>"; }else{ // entry is a file // echo "<p>Path: $path, LinkName: $linkName, id: ". $dataList[$i]["id"] . "</p>"; tpl_pageLinkCreate ($dataList[$i]["id"], $linkName, "direkt:tpl_list_folder" ); } if($dataList[$i+1]["level"] == $currentLevel){ // current folder (just close list-item) echo "</li>\n"; }else if($dataList[$i+1]["level"] > $currentLevel){ // new sub-folder (start new sub-list) echo "<ul class=\"idx\">\n"; // Check if a start page exists and add it first tpl_processStartPage($dataList[$i]["id"],""); }else if($dataList[$i+1]["level"] < $currentLevel){ // end of sub-folder (close open sublists) if(!empty($dataList[$i+1]["level"])){ echo str_repeat("</ul></li>\n", $currentLevel - $dataList[$i+1]["level"]); } } $currentLevel = $dataList[$i+1]["level"]; } } } echo "</ul>\n"; } // 見出し追加 print '<h1 class="sidebar-title">現在位置</h1>'; global $ID; global $ACT; global $conf; $folder = getNS($ID); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/search.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/html.php'); $ns = cleanID($ID); if(empty($ns)){ $ns = dirname(str_replace(':','/',$ID)); if($ns == '.') $ns =''; } $ns = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$ns)); $list = array(); search($list,$conf['datadir'],'search_index',array('ns' => $ns)); tpl_list_folder($list,true); ?>
- lib/tpl/arctic/sidebars/recent/sidebar.php
- lib/tpl/arctic/sidebars/recent/sidebar.php
<?php print '<h1 class="sidebar-title">最新の5件</h1>'; print p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions('{{changes>5&render = pagelist(list,nodate)}}'),$info); ?>