
Ys II Chronicles+

Ys II Chronicles+


アイコン 実績 / 説明 / 条件 カウント
fee4212b74ea234a8b9d9b3f350d1eb19e3c6201.jpg Notorious A.C.
Completely fill the character notebook.
0 / 98
a98aaa22164a2bc05d593fbc026f49ce3e19e464.jpg Demon Duster
Unlock all details for all non-boss bestiary entries.
0 / 276
34c4a93692f4a09e818bc7981c8724874a2a0a19.jpg Darm It!
Complete Ys II on any difficulty.
49da2259dc89a8c3797ebebc4e73d89d49ba6b00.jpg A Legend Is Born
Complete Ys II on Nightmare difficulty.
59e255e0ba6fc2cc48ce05c83971cde5522eac15.jpg Fireball Wizard
Complete Ys II Time Attack.
479fd4f0934e9ac753324ea82ddd7e3eb440fa0a.jpg Keep the Doctor Away
Scatter apples violently across the floor, most likely bruising them horribly.
0d58ff5a17ca8e5c08b345dd8b821e1062aa638f.jpg Bill the Duck
Receive money from a duck.
e68daf0217ed585cdf12eda45b3094356c7ed362.jpg Revenge of Sworded Details
Receive a free Short Sword.
392f64086df461984331e2d0a7fcce330a2d5e9e.jpg What the Legends Don't Tell You
Burn 50 villagers.
0 / 50
14a9225c0eb500f0bbdbab0856906c4ef5d4caed.jpg Gila's Monsters
Eliminate all the monsters in Gila's basement.
da479006d2b876eecf51486665c05d8097377553.jpg The Hand That Feeds Them
Make all the animals in Ramia Village absolutely adore you.
0 / 4
3f5f38ad5ab35506c2e073fc25797d16735f71e4.jpg No Reservations
Receive and eat four unique homemade food items.
0 / 4
c8bd85bd0f148660a8dfe2e7a0901323add75868.jpg Timestop Understanding
Ensure that Maria is not amused.
f99bff913f7b7f343e820a7df00d0237a2c02fc7.jpg Police Are On Their Way
“Measure” Tarf.
1a8ad353b511b769b8dde38edb554d0a9625bff0.jpg Personal Trainer
Raise Tarf to max level.
0 / 25
f8d7e3d4efe49d233720507ac60c6d4acd713f81.jpg Juuuuust Right
Sleep in three women's beds.
0 / 3
337086bcba6f8a9ba8d36e2d3a8bc39cd3d1852f.jpg Mosquitoes!!
Oh God make them go away!
002ba21de70003cb31ab5c8f2d8f24dba2448e00.jpg And Your Children's Children
Slaughter ten generations of gatekeeper.
0 / 10
91829b0c4f119bb65fd7a6f29fa6b438ddd19f28.jpg Where's Aldow?
Find and speak with Aldow.
94af9ef937fa0fd578a5f759b1b36b6800d7815e.jpg Spendthrift
Max out your money.
0 / 99,999
6eeb30253642f3fb7f9e4c3fab0ff11db12f5e16.jpg Set Sail For New Adventure
Master every achievement in Ys II.
0 / 20
steam/ys2.1365253392.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2016/02/15 18:25 (外部編集)
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